It’s just that kind of day.

Extremely high-volume mid-80s metal is pretty much the only thing keeping me from exploding in a paroxysm of sacrilegious profanity, cynicism, ire, and misanthropy.

Gather round, children, and let me tell you once again what a terrible idea code outsourcing is. The abominations I’ve seen rival the Great Old Ones for Things Which Should Not Be. As Cthulu is my witness, the dev manager showed me a place where they’d used string functions to determine absolute value, I shit you not.

Not even once, people. Not even once.

One thought on “It’s just that kind of day.

  1. The original music video for that song is one of the great WTF metal moments of all time. I recall reading somewhere that the band was both mortified and thoroughly pissed when they finally saw it. It’s now apparently just one of those things that nobody talks about in the hopes that one day it will simply disappear forever.